Joint Submission to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Human Rights Due Diligence, Tech Sector Responsibilities and Business Transparency
February 2022
In February 2022, Manushya Foundation together with the ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship​​ submitted a Joint Submission to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to inform the High Commissioner report on the practical application of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to the activities of technology companies, to be presented at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2022.
In this Submission, we shared our views on the type of actions that are required or expected to be taken by companies and states to advance the uptake of the UNGPs to the activities of technology companies, by looking at five key areas:
1. Human Rights as an element of Corporate Governance;
2. Transparency on Practices and Measures taken to Ensure the Respect for Human Rights;
3. Users’ High Control over their Data and Data Associated with Them;
4. Well-Informed and Educated Users about Potential Risks; and
5. States’ Duty to Protect; Regulatory and Policy Responses.
The Submission contains a set of recommendations to tech companies to advance the uptake of the UNGPs in their industry and to ensure that people worldwide reap the benefits of digital technology, not the reverse.