Six years ahead, still no justice!
Lao authorities must compensate the victims of Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam collapse! 💥 #AttapeuDamCollapse - On 23rd July 2018 a human-made...
Six years ahead, still no justice!
#StopTransnationalRepression ❌ Silenced and Stranded: Cambodian Refugees in Bangkok
✊#DefendersinDevelopment - Manushya Foundation was in Tbilisi, Georgia, to attend an important Defenders in Development campaign gathering!
#JusticeForJack 🩸1 year on since Jack survived an assassination attempt!
#StopTransnationalRepression 📣 A Cambodian Activist Monk’s Escape to Freedom!
🚨The North Bangkok District Court grants bail to 'Anon Nampa' in protest case #Anti-CoupRehearsal.
#BreakingNews: Pro-democracy activist “ARNON Nampa” sentenced to 4 years in jail without parole
Thailand: Constitutional Court ruled call for Royal Reform is an attempt to overthrow the Monarchy!