Spreading Intersectional Feminism With Love for Women of Color
#IntersectionalFeminism: Intersectional Feminism is the only path to real Feminism and Freedom!💪🏽
💥💢 Sexist jokes are microaggressions, and they are part of a bigger patriarchal problem
Powering Women Leaders
If your Feminism is NOT Intersectional, then you're not a Feminist! 💪🏽👩🦽👩🏾👩🏻👩🏼
🧩Today is World Autism Awareness Day and April is Autism Awareness Month!
#Feminism: Women and girls, and people of diverse genders, at greater risk of digital harm
💡#RightToTruthDay: What Happened to Wanchalearm Satsaksit?
ชวนส่องอคติทางเพศต่างๆ ที่แฝงอยู่ใน AI
Are AI machines really impartial and reliable? Not when it comes to gender.
Today we celebrate the #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience!
#CEDAW2023: นี่คือปีแห่งการพลิกโฉมเฟมินิสม์แบบอัตลักษณ์ทับซ้อน!
#CEDAW2023: A Year to Reimagine Intersectional Feminism!
#InternationalDayofZeroToleranceforFemaleGenitalMutilation: Stop FGM
#วันยุติการขริบอวัยวะเพศหญิงสากล: หยุดการขริบอวัยวะเพศหญิง