Meet Our Team #WeAreManushyan

About Manushya’s Team
Women-led, intersectional feminists, Manushya’s team comprises women, transgender people, and feminists passionate about bringing positive change to the world and being part of collective healing. At Manushya, we are Feminists from the Global South.
Our definition of the Global South takes into account class struggle. With this definition, we can agree that the Global South is NOT bounded by geographic boundaries but rather a shared identity by people who are at the bottom of the barrel or people living in the lower socio-economic class. Therefore, the Souths can occur in the richest country, and the Norths can also occur in the poorest country.
Our Founder & Executive Director
Emilie Palamy Pradichit
Founder & Executive Director of Manushya Foundation
Emilie Palamy Pradichit, the Founder & Executive Director of Manushya Foundation, is an intersectional feminist visionary & international human rights lawyer specializing in accessing justice for marginalized communities through strategic litigation before the United Nations (UN) — where her innovative work has successfully held governments and businesses accountable for their human rights abuses and violations. Working on the ground, she also endorses women & youth to speak truth to power at the forefront of their fight for justice and equality as well as defends indigenous, forest-dependent, LGBTIQ+ & marginalized communities across Asia.
Our Feminist Board

Sirisak Chaited
Manushya’s Board Member
LGBTIQ+ pro-democracy Activist
& Sex Worker Rights Defender

Nittaya Muangklang
Manushya’s Board Member
& Sab Wai Community Leader

Sugarnta Sookpaita
Manushya’s Board Member
& Leading Women Workers
for Justice Group

Asmah Tanyongdaoh
Manushya’s Board Member
Coordinator, Southern Working Group for Monitoring International Mechanism
Gurshaan Kaur Bajaj
Feminist Campaigner,
Corporate Accountability &
Climate Justice