ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship is at the ASEAN People’s Forum on September 1st

We are happy to share that the ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship will be at the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum (ACSC/APF) 2023 at Atmajaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia. The forum serves as a secure platform for people's voices, fostering solidarity among diverse civil society and movements across ASEAN borders to foster an alternative regional approach in the face of rising militarism, authoritarianism, and democratic challenges!
The central goal of APF is to prioritize an all-encompassing, true people-centered and sustainable recovery that benefits all Southeast Asian communities.
Together with prominent digital rights advocates, cybersecurity experts, and individuals with lived experiences, we are eager to engage in a dialogue centered around "Dismantling Digital Dictatorship: Safeguarding Rights in the Online Arena." This workshop delves into examining threats, identifying opportunities, and crafting annual statements and recommendations for ASEAN.
The forthcoming workshop will deeply explore critical subjects encompassing state-led digital security threats and attacks, stressing on the vulnerabilities and obstacles present to various movements, and the repercussions on marginalized human rights defenders. Another pivotal panel aspect entails analyzing the weaponization of laws and policies related to digital dictatorship, offering insights into their trajectory.
Featured speakers encompass Damar Juniarto, Executive Director of SAFEnet, and Jean Linis-Dinco, an independent researcher and cybersecurity expert.
The panel will be moderated by Debbie Stothard, Founder of ALTSEAN Burma, with workshop facilitator Ni Putu Candra Dewi from Manushya Foundation, and Nadine Hassan of ILGA ASIA as the Rapporteur.
Join us and be part of this enlightening session! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 1st, 2023. Engage in the Breakout Workshop 1, scheduled from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM ICT, hosted in Room YB 109. Don't miss out on the opportunity! We can’t wait to welcome you!
About ACSC/APF, available at:
Statements and Recommendations, available at:
#StopDigitalDictatorship #ASEANPeoplesForum #ASEANPeopleCentered #AlternativeRegionalism #FreedomofExpression #DemocracyNow #CourageOn #KeepItOn #StandForJustice #DemocracyDefenders #SoutheastAsia #SaveFreeSpeech #FreedomofSpeech #PeopleOverProfit #DefendFreeExpression #EqualHumanBeings #IntersectionalFeminism
While you’re here, learn more about our work on Digital Rights for the promotion of democratization and freedom of expression in ASEAN ⤵️
#StopDigitalDictatorship, Campaign in Southeast Asia to fight against rising digital dictatorship in the region
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