#CSOSI: Did you know about the plight of civil society in Thailand?

About the project
The ‘Civil Society Organizations Sustainability Index’ (CSOSI) project, which is funded by USAID and implemented by FHI360 in partnership with ICNL, assesses the sustainability of CSO sectors in countries around the world. Manushya Foundation is the implementation partner for the 2021 CSOSI report of Thailand. The report is based on input provided by civil society experts, including experts from INGOs, CSOs, CBOs, grassroots, and human rights defenders.
While you're here, learn more about the human rights situation in Thailand:
Joint Civil Society CEDAW Report to inform the List of Issues to be considered by the UN Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women during the Pre-sessional Working Group for its 85th Session (31 October to 4 November 2022), 7 October 2022
#FightRacism - Thailand is a Paradise; But only for the 1%: Joint Shadow Civil Society Report on the Implementation of ICERD: Replies to the List of Themes for 105th CERD session (15 November - 3 December), 25 October 2021
Thailand UPR III 2021: Thailand's Third Universal Periodic Review, 15 October 2021
Thailand UPR III Factsheet on Civic Space in Thailand #WhatsHappeningInThailand, 9 September 2021
Thailand UPR III Factsheet on Digital Rights, 9 September 2021
Thailand UPR III Joint Submission on Digital Rights to the 39th Session of the UPR Working Group: Digital Rights, 25 March 2021