How the 'Network Monarchy' Leads Thailand to its New Low!

What’s the Network Monarchy? How is the 1% making money with a bad #RoyalVaccine deal at the cost of people's lives?
If you follow the money, the trail behind the Thai government's poor response to the COVID-19 pandemic, you'll find something very interesting. Especially when you look at who the shareholders are!

In light of recent events, it is clear that the Thai government is desperate to hide its horrific handling of the pandemic. With 'Anutin', the uneducated Minister of Public Health and 'Prayut', a Prime Minister that ignores the basic rights of Thai citizens, Thailand has reached a #NewLow.
Despite the New Regulation 29 passed under the #EmergencyDecree aiming to censor online freedom, we will continue to tell people the #Truth behind #WhatsHappeningInThailand - Now more than ever, we need to resist Prayut's online dictatorship. Now more than ever, we must protect our #FreeSpeech and #MediaFreedom.
Criminalizing the very people who provide crucial information that speaks truth to power at a time of crisis displays the irrational priorities the government has set. The government's image comes first, and the people come last. #SavingFace = #Thainess
Instead of focusing on silencing the truth, why isn't the government noticing the irreversible death toll and the slow vaccine roll-out? The rest of the world is recovering, while Thailand is drowning...
This specific post highlights information regarding the vaccine roll-out and how the Network Monarchy influenced it. It is no surprise that the governing "entities" of Thailand have a massive impact on the poor procurement of vaccines. While the 1% makes money, people are dying in the streets.
The people demand Prayut to resign; really it's time #PrayutGetOut
#thetruthisnotscary #WhatsHappeningInThailand #โควิด19 #GetOutPrayut #PrayutOut #StopDigitalDictatorship #freedomofspeech #DigitalRights #Censorship #Repeal112 #Misinformation #COVID19 #SaveThaiDemocracy #DemocracyNow
Bangkok Post, Is there a jab cover-up in Thailand?, (9 July 2021), available at:
Bangkok Post, Outcry over vaccine shortages, (3 July 2021), available at:
Bangkok Post, DDC defends Sinovac jab purchase, (9 July 2021), available at:
Bangkok Post, CP again denies link to Sinovac buy, (11 July 2021), available at:
BBC News, Covid vaccine: Thailand decides to mix jabs as cases spike, (12 July 2021), available at:
Financial Times, A king’s vaccine: Thailand’s struggle to deliver jabs to its people, (9 June 2021), available at:
Geopolitical Monitor, The Rise, Dominance, and Decline of Thailand’s Monarchy, (20 October 2020), available at:
New Mandala, Thailand’s network monarchy revisited, (23 October 2020), available at:
Thai Enquirer, AstraZeneca extends timeline for locally-produced vaccines, delaying delivery of some vaccines, (15 July 2021), available at:
The Economist, The pandemic has exacerbated existing political discontent, (31 July 2021), available at:
Thai Enquirer, CP Group, part-owner of Sinovac, says will pursue other vaccines for its own workers, (1 June 2021), available at:
The Economist, The pandemic has exacerbated existing political discontent, (31 July 2021), available at:
SCG, Shareholder Structure, (9 April 2021), available at: