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#AsiaWakeUp: #RBHRF2022 is over and our demand is clear: It’s time for Thailand to #StopNAP-ping!

Writer's picture: Manushya FoundationManushya Foundation

#AsiaWakeUp#RBHRF2022 is over and our demand is clear: It’s time for Thailand and Asian countries to #StopNAP-ping! We want mandatory human rights & environmental due diligence #mHREDD to put People & the Planet over Profit!

📍Check the highlights of our collective call at the UN ⤵️

🔥Last week, Manushya Foundation and partners of the #ThaiBHRNetwork, HRDs, and the Asia Task Force, mobilized at the #RBHRForum to denounce the weak voluntary guidelines promoted by the Thai Government and UNDP BHR Team, not bringing any change on the ground. Instead, HRDs continue to face SLAPPs while companies perpetrate human rights abuses! Now more than ever, it was time to call for real #CorporateAccountability by promoting the international #BindingTreaty and mandatory measures! ✊

📣 Emilie Palamy Pradichit had a powerful intervention pointing out how Manushya Foundation and Thai civil society were used in the NAP process, while the final product completely ignored community voices!

📣 Women HRDs spoke up to denounce human rights violations of the Thai government and companies in Thailand! Katima Leeja of IWNT denounced development aggression against indigenous people, while Tanruthai Thanrut warned against attacks and criminalization of activists and HRDs demanding to #SaveBangkloi!

🌈 Manushya Foundation's Nada Chaiyajit spoke about recent SLAPP charges filed against her & expressed her disappointment at Government's feeble efforts to protect HRDs in the NAP. Chitsanupong 'Best' Nithiwana of Young Pride Club denounced the Government's rainbow-washing, lack of protection of sex workers in Thailand's NAP, and their criminalization despite contributing 12% to Thailand's GDP!

#WeAreManushyan ♾️ Equal Human Beings

👉 Manushya Foundation will continue to advocate for a strong legally #BindingTreaty and #mHRDD to guarantee that companies respect human rights on the ground and that affected communities can access effective remedy for the harms to their livelihoods, and the environment!

📺 Still not sure what the legally #BindingTreaty is? Watch our new video! Access here.

📍 Do you wonder what are the most important issues in Thailand related to Business & Human Rights? 🔗 Check out our UPR Factsheet on People and the Planet over Profit here.

1 Comment

Maria Benilde Carreño Gaitán
Maria Benilde Carreño Gaitán
Dec 10, 2022

las empresas son inhumanas, creen que porque tienen dinero pueden hacer lo que se les de la gana, pero tenemos que seguir luchando unidas para que las vidas de las personas sean defendidas por encima del dinero y los territorios sean libres de cualquier contaminación así salvaremos el mundo

Maria Benilde Carreño Gaitán


lideresa indígena y defensora de derechos humanos


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