Sign our petition to #FreeMuay
Sign our petition to #FreeMuay, a Lao Woman Human Rights Defender, from being unjustly jailed by the Lao government for speaking Truth to Power and tell the world #WhatsHappeningInLaos! The anti-propaganda law is being wrongly used to abuse, intimidate and silence Lao people! Read more below and help!
Muay, an admirable brave woman and environmental activist, has been tirelessly advocating and fighting for her local community in hopes of helping them obtain justice since 2017. She covered issues including governmental corruption, unfair international investments in Laos, government’s incompetency towards disaster response.
In September 2019, Muay was arrested without a warrant by the Lao police and had since been wrongly imprisoned for criminal defamation and distributing anti-state propaganda under Article 117 of the Lao Penal Code. The Lao government uses Article 117 to abuse, intimate and silence its people from addressing the state’s human rights violations. Before Muay, the government used this “law” to punish several other human rights defenders.
In a few months, Laos will go through a UN Sustainable Review in New York to assess the Lao government’s progress in achieving the SDGs. We need your help to let the United Nations and the World know what’s happening to Muay and to hold the Lao government accountable for its human rights abuses against its very own people! Please sign the petition to #FreeMuay! Make your voice count to bring her justice and pressure the Lao government to #FreeMuay!
Read more about Muay’s case on our campaign page here
& Sign the petition here