#StandWithBach ✊🏼Join the Hunger Strike In Global Solidarity

Dang Dinh Bach 'Bach' is a prominent environmental justice lawyer in Vietnam who dedicated his life to helping improve the health and well-being of marginalized communities throughout the country.
#Bach was imprisoned for “tax evasion” and sentenced to 5 years in prison after leading a campaign to reduce Vietnam’s reliance on coal. He was not granted a fair trial. He was not allowed to meet with his lawyer until seven months after he was arrested. He was prosecuted in a closed trial that resulted in a sentence much harsher than is usual for people accused of tax evasion in Vietnam.
Therefore, Bach’s detention is unjust. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention recently stated that it is in “violation of human rights and international law" and called for Bach’s “Immediate and unconditional release”.
United Nations experts suggest that Bach’s prosecution was politically motivated. He maintains that he is innocent and has engaged in multiple hunger strikes to protest his unfair detention.
Yet #G7 countries are mobilising $15.5 billion for Vietnam’s energy transition while Bach & climate advocates remain in jail. Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) partners must demand Bach's release & civil society involvement in this crucial climate solution.
Bach has declared that on June 9th, 2023 before the second anniversary of his arrest [June 24th 2023], he will go on hunger strike until his release or “until death” to protest his innocence.
Let’s work together to prevent this from happening by joining the global solidarity hunger strike (choose one day to strike from May 24 - June 23, and on June 24 we will all strike together). You can also sign this petition calling for his immediate release and please spread the word on social media.
Almost two years after Bach was arrested, we call on the international community to join in this global solidarity hunger strike. Together, we will send the message that:
"We have not forgotten
Bach has been unjustly imprisoned and we call for his immediate release
The green energy transition will not succeed unless environmental defenders like Bach are able to play a role".
🖋️ Join us in calling for Back’s freedom, sign the Avaaz petition to set Bach free! https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/stand_with_bach_2023/
👉 Access the Joint Open Letter, signed by more than 80 NGOs, including Manushya foundation, calling for the release of Bach: https://www.manushyafoundation.org/dang-dinh-bach
🗞️ Read the NPR news article, featuring Emilie Pradichit, Manushya’s Founder, expressing her views on Vietnam’s unfair treatment of climate activists while G7 countries are investing in the JETP:
Or 🗣️ Listen to an excerpt of the NPR interview here:
🚨Learn more about Bach, and visit the #StandwithBach campaign page: https://www.standwithbach.org/
United Nations Human Rights Council, UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, (A/HRC/WGAD/2023/22), Opinion No. 22/2023 concerning Đặng Đình Bách (Viet Nam). Opinions adopted by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention at its ninety-sixth session, 27 March – 5 April 2023, available at: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63a1054de4b8030902eec458/t/6466cd597b77694c69cd20ba/1684458842140/UN+WGAD+Opinion+No.+22%3A2023+Dang+Dinh+Bach.pdf
NPR News, Ahead of $15 billion climate deal, Vietnam's human rights record is scrutinized, (May 29, 2023), available at: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/29/1178747998/ahead-of-15-billion-climate-deal-vietnams-human-rights-record-is-scrutinized
NPR News, Vietnam's human rights record is being scrutinized ahead of $15 billion climate deal, (May 26, 2023), available at:
Radio Free Asia,UN working group faults Vietnam for arbitrary detention of climate activist, (May 22, 2023), available at: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/vietnam/dang-dinh-bach-05222023171241.html