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#StopDigitalDictatorship: Digital rights are muzzled by Southeast Asia’s authoritarian regimes

Writer: Manushya FoundationManushya Foundation

#StopDigitalDictatorship 🚨 Digital rights are muzzled by Southeast Asia’s authoritarian regimes

🚩 "The New Year typically marks a season of optimism and resolutions for positive change.

But what about societies living in fragile democracies or under authoritarian rule? Though we can’t see what the future holds, the political arc of 2023 could be less mysterious if we analyse Southeast Asia’s human rights and democracy records from the past year," said Manushya's Emilie Pradichit and Letitia Visan in their op-ed about the state of digital rights in Southeast Asia, pulling on Freedom House's Freedom on the Net 2022 findings.

👉 Check out the op-ed in Southeast Asia Globe:

#WeAreManushyan ♾ Equal Human Beings

✊ Manushya Foundation stands in solidarity with anyone who dare to stand up to repressive regimes and speak truth to power! We condemn all acts by state and non-state actors that erode online freedoms, and urge that those in power all over Southeast Asia refrain from abusing the law to intimidate, harass, or prosecute its critics.

While you’re here…

👉🏽 Check our campaign to #StopDigitalDictatorship in SEA;

👉🏽 Read our past efforts to combat digital authoritarianism and advocate for a more open and secure internet in Southeast Asia:

  1. Freedom on the Net 2022: Internet Freedom Remained Under Threat in Thailand, 19 October 2022

  2. Joint Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression: Freedom, Independence, Diversity of Media and the Safety of Journalists in Southeast Asia, January 2022

  3. Joint Submission to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Human Rights Due Diligence, Tech Sector Responsibilities and Business Transparency, February 2022

  4. Joint Submission to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 'The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age: Mass surveillance, Digital Contact-tracing, Social Media Monitoring, and Data Requests in Southeast Asia', June 2022

  5. Thailand UPR III Factsheet on Digital Rights, 9 September 2021

  6. Thailand UPR III Joint Submission on Digital Rights to the 39th Session of the UPR Working Group: Digital Rights, 25 March 2021


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