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  • Writer's pictureManushya Foundation

#StopSLAPP: Why we are seeking justice for Nada Chaiyajit before the UN



You may still remember the judicial harassment of three human rights defenders by Thammakaset Co. Ltd. in October 2019 and March 2020 over their messages on support on social media for other activists facing lawsuits brought by the company. The case, which is now proceeding to trial, is only one example in the spate of SLAPP cases initiated to limit the diversity of views on the internet and, most importantly, to stifle human rights advocacy.

The UN Human Rights Committee has noted its concern with respect to Thailand’s inability to suppress criminal defamation charges brought against individuals on the basis of the Computer Crime Act, the Penal Code, and other standalone orders and regulations. Similar calls were also made by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, who urged Thailand to enact an anti-SLAPP legislation to civil liability of targeted activists.





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