Webinar - WHRDs in the Digital Space: Realities & Solutions to Speak Truth to Power Freely

On Thursday 25 March 2021, from 5.00 to 7.00 pm, the ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship is hosting the “Women Human Rights Defenders in the Digital Space: Realities & Solutions to Speak Truth to Power Freely” webinar to discuss the realities faced by WHRDs online: cyberbullying, online harassment, online attacks, hate speech, because of their human rights advocacy work, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Join the conversation as we will also explore themes such as online defamation, online gender bias, trolling, and online security arising from Covid-19. The webinar is taking place as part of Women's History Month, the NGO CSW65 Forum, and as part of our regional efforts to #StopDigitalDictatorship. Inspiring Women Human Rights Defenders and Activists from Southeast Asia will be sharing with us the challenges they are facing online and how they are courageously fighting back, resisting and responding to it!
Note: The webinar will be accessible to the 100 first connected on ZOOM. For those joining late and who won't be able to join the ZOOM room, kindly follow the LIVE Webinar on Manushya's Facebook page or on the event Facebook page.
Join us LIVE on Facebook or Join the Conversation via Zoom, by registering here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-s9DX952Tfen6rgffqHlOg
Moderated by Debbie Stothard, Founder & Coordinator of ALTSEAN-Burma, the conversation will kick-off with inspiring women bravely and proudly speaking truth to power, including:
Sopheap Chak, Executive Director, Cambodia Center for Human Rights (CCHR)
Nada Chaiyajit, Transgender Rights Activist & Human Rights Campaign Advisor, Manushya Foundation
Tin Tin Nyo, Managing Director of Burma News International (BNI)
Nicole Fong, LGBTQ Activist
Members of the ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship will respond and provide comments:
Emilie Palamy Pradichit, Founder & Executive Director, Manushya Foundation
Blandina Lintang Setiani, Researcher, ELSAM
Dhevy Sivaprakasam, Asia Pacific Policy Counsel, Access Now
Note: The ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship is led by ALTSEAN, Cambodian Center for Human Rights - CCHR, ELSAM, Manushya Foundation, PEN Myanmar, SafeNet, with support from Access Now. The regional coalition aims at growing and building a strong regional network resisting digital dictatorship in the ASEAN Region. More info here: https://www.manushyafoundation.org/stop-digital-dictatorship-campaign